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Empowering Through Knowledge: NICU Biomedical Ethics Curriculum

Welcome to NICU Biomedical Ethics, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps NICU Biomedical Ethics will ignite your own passions as well.

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Unit Based Ethics Conversation (UBEC)

Hi, and welcome to this post. I look forward to discussing this topic during the upcoming UBEC. Please find some quotes from NICU nurses...

I sincerely hope...Hope in the NICU

“Finally hope had really run out for him. What had started as my moral distress gave me the strength to stand with the family as they had...

Who Decides....Shared Decision Making

The following excerpts from your colleagues in nursing and RT illustrate an essential aspect of decisions in the NICU, the concept of...

Suffering and Moral Distress

Ethicists and nurses have written entire books about the moral distress experienced by the bedside care provider. Thankfully, we at UVA...

Show Me The Data...for Periviable Birth and Etc.

How Outcomes Influence Ethics “I was present at one of the last family meetings where the pediatric surgeons explained that even with his...

Words Matter...

"The other conflict experienced was trying to temper my sense of futility with the family's hopefulness." "I want everything done for my...

The 900 Pound Gorilla in the Room- COVID-19

The following post does not have associated quotes from nursing or RT staff. If I solicited thoughts or comments from RN or RT staff...

What is your relationship? Relational Ethics

The quotes listed above reflect an essential aspect of the nurse-patient relationship, an appeal to relational ethics. While we’ve...

Principled Approach to Biomedical Ethics

Below you will find excerpts from cases written by your colleagues, nurses and respiratory therapists in our very own NICU. The excerpts,...

Welcome to Ethics!

Hello and welcome to the first post of the NICU Biomedical Ethics Curriculum. This project began when I practiced at Tufts University as...

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